John Harwood Pierce: Ranger of
the Plains

  Biography:     Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6    
  Genealogy:     1st     2nd     3rd     4th     5th     6th     7th     8th    

There Were Two John H. Pierces
in the 11th Illinois Cavalry

There were two John H. Pierces in the 11th Volunteer Illinois Cavalry: John HARWORD Pierce, and John HASSETT Pierce. Here is an image of the P.S. from a John Hassett Pierce, May 24, 1864 letter where he says:

P.S. Write my name J. Hassett Pierce as there is a new recruit in the Reg. by the name of John H. Pierce and I don't want him to get my letters. J. H. Pierce

Here is an image of the official letterhead of the 11th Illinois Volunteer Cavalry.
It comes from a November 17, 1864, John Hassett Pierce letter.

The John Hassett Pierce letters are held in Duke University Special Collections.

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Biography:     Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6    
Genealogy:     1st     2nd     3rd     4th     5th     6th     7th     8th    
Send all inquiries to the author, Barbara Case, at:  ~  Last Updated March 6, 2003